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fREĖQUENCY future reimagined

A memory made. Now what? Let's recreate. Relive it. 

Oct 2019 - May 2020 - to be continued

The search for frequencies in life never ends. Once something echos with you, it's hard not to chase your true calling. At the end of 2019, I was lucky to meet a group of talented artists (Salman, Luyi, Ninnah, and Eva) in London who are also interested in creating images and sounds, passionate about deepening the concept of Project fREĖQUENCY with me. We have been collaboratively working towards turning it into an immersive multimedia installation art exhibition since. Additionally, it has been decided in the end that we will donate part of our ticket income to charities which help hearing-impaired people. 


Through Silent Disco, we get to have this opportunity to feel from others' audible experience, shifting from channels to channels, enjoying the diversity of whole genres of music. Unfortunately, we are privileged to do that compared to those who cannot. Have you ever wondered how is it like to not be able to hear anything one day? How is it like to have your hearings declined over the years? 

In Project fREĖQUENCY immersive multimedia installation art exhibition, we created a journey where you rethink the notions of synchronicity, embodied dancing experiences, rhythms and beats, the visualisation of music and other ritual healing aspects of the sonic atmosphere, all together, in one trip. 

This exhibition is still ongoing in the design phase, but it has been a serendipity chance for me to change my roles from one of the Silent Disco participants, to someone who researches it, then, to an art exhibition curator. The transition process has been adventurous and empowering. 

Now, I'd like to invite you to hop on this adventure with me again, reimagine, reinstall, relive. 

Click on the arrows below to slide through the immersive art project portfolio; click on the image for details.


Freud, S. (1923). The Ego and the Id, Vienna: WW Norton & Company

Hartranft, C (2003). The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Boston Massachusets, Shambhala Publications Inc.

Hernandez-Romero, L. (2017). Re-evaluating creativity: the individual, society and education. [Place of publication not identified]: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN.

Huxley, A. (1944). The Perennial Philosophy. New York, Harper Collins Publishers

Kazmin, A. (2019). Meditation and power of Om [online] January 11th, 2019, available at 4ff78404524

Steven, A. (1994). Jung: a very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Express.

Wilber, K. (1984). Quantum Questions, Mystical Writings of the world’s greatest physicist. Boulder Colorado: Shambhala Publications Inc.

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