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Raw from the field. And vibration beyond. 

May 2019 - May 2020 - to be continued

Project fREĖQUENCY was born in May 2019, when I went to the first Silent Disco event ever in my life at one of the regional Burning Man events in China. I wouldn't necessarily call it a life-changing experience for me, yet without a doubt, it inspired me to seek nuances in life that wake up my inner child, to follow my intuition and curiosity. Ever since then, I started to feel fascinated by all kinds of frequencies in life, work on analysing and making sense out of abstract sonic phenomenon - musical ritual healing, techno music, sound as metaphors, cymatics, trance state, and so on.


As part of the Project fREĖQUENCY, there are many media materials I made as well as collected during the past year(s), although not part of the "MSc Digital Anthropology - The Ethnography of Silent Disco practical project", they aligned with the very notion of understanding frequencies in life on a philosophical level, therefore they are showcased as an extension to the practical project. 

The following images and videos below in the archive include: 

  • Silent Disco (video), 2019 @Dragon Burn, China. You may check out the full soundtrack from that Silent Disco event here

  • Project fREĖQUENCY "Hutong Improv Marching" (images), 2019 @Beijing, China. This was an improv project I launched in Beijing Hutong alleyways, where participants are encouraged to explore the historical sites, stop strangers who are wearing headphones and ask them to draw / visualise how the current music in their headphone makes them feel, on a piece of paper provided. 

  • Ecstatic Dance in the Silent Disco way (images & videos), 2019 @Chaoyang Park, Beijing, China (*Clarification: photo-taking is prohibited from Ecstatic Dance events, although, this rule seems to vary from different countries. For instance, in China, the mixed form of Ecstatic Dance + Silent Disco has a looser rule for photo-taking on site. The Ecstatic Dance Beijing organiser Rose shared with me: "In China, we are now in a stage to welcome and embrace more participants to this novel lifestyle. At the very beginning, if taking pictures with consent and not harming anyone nor for commercial usage, then it is fine for now." - this is also why the photos and videos below from the field in Beijing exist. They are consented to be shared by community members.)

  • Silent Disco (video), 2019 @Bookworm, Beijing, China

  • Project fREĖQUENCY "Draw You Frequency" (images), 2019 - 2020 (ongoing) @London, UK.  

  • Synchronised metronomes (video), 2020 @"24/7", Somerset House, London, UK. 

  • Hallelujah (video), 2020 @"24/7", Somerset House, London, UK.

Click on the materials to see the full images and detailed descriptions.


Now, let's dive in. 

Materials above include: Silent Disco (video), 2019 @Dragon Burn, China. Project fREĖQUENCY "Hutong Improv Marching" (images), 2019 @Beijing, China. Ecstatic Dance Beijing (images & videos), 2019 @Chaoyao Park, Beijing, China. Silent Disco (video), 2019 @Bookworm, Beijing, China

Images above are part of the Project fREĖQUENCY "Draw You Frequency"  series, 2019 - 2020 (ongoing) @London, UK.  


"Draw You Frequency" series was launched in October, London, 2019, where I invite poets, DJs, singers, guitarists, songwriters to vision the symbol which they feel most resonate with and draw it down. The symbols usually carry meaningful life stories, although some are funny and random. This is set out to be a way to collect fabrics from people whose lives revolve around sound, voices a lot, to try and visualise these visions in the simplest and fun way, over a picnic lunch, a cup of coffee, or just because I ran into them on the street or at a concert. 

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